Saturday, December 20, 2014

How to fix your phone charger in 5 seconds!

If you are reading this then you probably have a problem with your phone charger. Nobody wants to spend 10-20 dollars on a brand new phone charger and you probably need to find a way to charge your phone right now. So with my help I will tell you how to fix it in less than 5 seconds.

Step 1: Get a pair of pliers.
 Step 2: Grab your pliers and squeeze the little tip that you insert into your phone just enough to make it indent a little. Don't squeeze it too hard, just barely and insert it into your phone and see if it works. Continue this squeezing process until it starts to work.

Step 3: Congrats! Your phone charger should be working and if it starts acting up again just squeeze it again and it should go back to normal.